
Jungle Feeling


July 2013


Pastelmat 30 x 24 cm

Great white shark

Great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

Made during an event called "Kunst am Hauptplatz von Stegersbach".

June 2013


Pastel Card 32 x 24 cm


Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)

June 2013


33 x 22cm

Referencephoto with kind permission from Marcel Span.

Clouded Leopard

The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is a felid found from the Himalayan foothills through mainland Southeast Asia into China, and has been classified as vulnerable in 2008 by IUCN. Its total population size is suspected to be fewer than 10,000 mature individuals, with a decreasing population trend, and no single population numbering more than 1,000 adults.

May 2013

Scratchboard gold
35,0 x 27,5cm

Referencephoto with kind permission from Quaddles.


May 2013

22,9 x 30,5cm

Referencephoto with kind permission from Chris Young.

Where's the Nut?

The Squirrel belongs to the order of rodents, in the family Sciuridae. The word Sciuridae literally means ‘shade-tailed’ and highlights the big bushy tail possessed by many of its members, which is used to shadow their whole body. This large-eyed mammal called squirrel is a part of the largest group of living mammals, which comprises 40% of the present-day living species. The reason behind this is that it has successfully adapted to the alterations made by humans in the environment.

August 2012

22,9 x 30,5cm

Referencephoto with kind permission from Sarah Horn.

I am the Tiger

The Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is a tiger subspecies that inhabits the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Sumatran tigers do not live in groups, every tiger has its own territory and cats meet only to mate. The sumatran tiger is the smallest of all tiger subspecies, they swim very well and fast. It was classified as critically endangered by IUCN in 2008 as the population is projected to be 441 to 679 individuals, with no subpopulation having an effective population size larger than 50 individuals, with a declining trend.

Juni 2012

A3 – 29,7 x 42,0cm

Referencephoto with kind permission from Mari „Mangieb“.

Jaguar - Panthera Onca

Big cats are to me the most beautiful animals! This lady lives in the Czech Zoo "Olomouc", though the main range of the jaguar is in the Amazonian rain forest. They were still common in historic times in the southwestern United States, but have been extremely rare in increasing human settlement in the 1950s and died out almost completely. In 1996 it was in the southwestern United States the first time a jaguar be detected, since in New Mexico and Arizona have been repeatedly found animals.

November 2011

22,9 x 30,5cm

Referencephoto with kind permission from Woxys.

Pride, Pugnacity and Placidity

Three very different "Men in tails" ...
Whether they still have a harmonious day?

November 2011

30,5 x 22,9cm

Referencephoto with kind permission from Dana Vahrenwald.


One of my donations for the Great-Art-Auction for the benefit of the welfare house "Tierheim Garmisch-Partenkirchen".

"Unsere Kunst Auktion war ein großer Erfolg! Viele kunstinteressierte Tierfreunde sind zur Auktion angereist, um Werke von Erik Liebermann, Hans Angerer, Melchior Schedler, Marion Adam, Helen Lundquist, Jennifer Scales und den vielen weiteren Künstlern zu ersteigern. Der Münchner Auktionator Dr. Hubert Ziegler hat die Auktion mit viel Humor und großem "Kunstverstand" geleitet. Wunderbar wie immer: die Musik von Christina Tobiasch und Klaus Weighart."

More >>>

January 2011

30,5 x 22,9cm

Referencephoto with kind permission from Dana Vahrenwald.

Wurli and Pumi

Noriker "Wurlitzer" and Haflinger "Pumuckl" - Commission

December 2010


A3 – 29,7 x 42,0cm


A present for my brother.

December 2009

Textile paint

80 x 80cm


July 2008


Coloured paper
A3 – 42,0 x 29,7cm